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Tied Up in Tinsel Page 4

  “I’ll need it for later.” He winked, and she blushed.

  The waitress arrived and took their order. She left them ten nickels for the jukebox. Patience quickly loaded the machine and began selecting. She’d just about run out of coins when she realized she hadn’t asked William if there was anything he wanted to hear.

  “What a jerk.” She slapped her forehead. “I never asked you if you’d like to pick out a few songs.”

  “Go ahead. I’m enjoying your selections.” He smiled.

  Her heart melted. His smoky eyes smoldered. She sensed that he’d be intense in bed, and it excited her.

  William reached across the table and covered her hand with his. The electricity sparked instantaneously. Heat coursed up her arm and then down to her pussy. She wanted more. She longed for his lips on hers, his hands roaming every inch of her overheated skin.

  “Veal parm?” The waitress returned with their meals, interrupting the moment.

  “Mine.” She raised her hand, feeling like a schoolgirl crushing on the popular football player.

  “Pepperoni pizza?” She smiled at William.

  “Right here.”

  Like the waitress couldn’t tell? There wasn’t anyone else seated with them. The waitress was flirting with him. Wow, that took balls with Patience sitting right there.

  “Excuse me…I don’t see any grated cheese on the table. Would you mind?”

  “What? Huh? Oh sure.” She regarded Patience like a pesky fly. She swayed her hips while walking away.

  “I’ve never seen a waitress flirt so blatantly before in my life.”

  “She was?”

  Patience wasn’t sure if he was joking or if he truly hadn’t noticed the flirting. Either way she decided to drop it. The aroma lingering under her nostrils had her mouth watering.

  She picked up the fork and knife and sliced a piece of the delicate meat. She gathered up the melted mozzarella and loaded it into her mouth. The fork-tender meat practically melted on her tongue.


  “Don’t forget the grated cheese.” The waitress placed the glass jar a little too roughly on the table.

  “Thank you, and another glass of water, please.” Patience’s glass was half-full, but she didn’t care. She’d make the woman work for her money.

  When she was out of earshot, Patience looked pointedly at William.

  “Someone you know? Dated? Scorned?”

  “None of the above.”

  “Then why is she treating me so poorly?” She’d never experienced anything so rude in her life. The waitress didn’t know her from Jack…so why be disrespectful?

  “Jealousy maybe?”

  He shrugged, and she realized he truly had no clue. Within minutes the waitress returned with the water. She set it down with a thud, and the glass tumbled over, dripping ice-cold water into Patience’s lap.

  “Oh my God!” She flew out of the booth and attempted to wipe the water off her jeans.

  “What is your problem?” This time William spoke, and he was pissed. “We’ve done nothing to you. Why the attitude toward my girlfriend?”

  “Where’s your manager?” Patience demanded.

  “Is there a problem?” A short Italian man with a heavy accent walked up.

  “Your waitress decided to spill water on me.”

  “She’s been pretty rude to my date.”

  “Is this true?”

  The waitress shrugged indifferently and turned her head away.

  “I’m so sorry for your inconvenience. Let me take care of your bill for you. I’ll get you fresh meals and a new waitress.”

  “Patience, do you want to stay? We can go somewhere else if you’re uncomfortable.”

  “I’m not going to let her run me out. I didn’t do anything wrong. It’s her issue. We’ll stay, and I don’t need a new meal. I don’t believe the water got on the food.”

  “Very good. Please accept my apology, and your dinner is on us.” He nodded and walked away.

  Patience watched as he led the waitress into the back, most likely to give her a reprimand.

  “Can you believe that?”

  “I’m honestly shocked.” William cleaned off her seat and waited while she settled in again.

  “If that was over jealousy, I’d hate to see what she does with her exes. Can you say stalker?”

  They laughed trying to make light of the situation. Patience wasn’t sure why the woman targeted her, but she’d be damned if she’d allow her to ruin their evening. The food was fantastic, and so was the company.

  WILLIAM BIT INTO his pizza with caution. He couldn’t believe what had taken place. All he wanted was for them to have a nice, quiet meal with good food, and some crazy waitress had to get all psycho on them.

  It baffled him why she would do such a thing. Luckily Patience was a good sport about it and hadn’t ripped the waitress’s head off. She surprised him. He knew about her lack of patience, so he figured he’d see a short fuse. She rose above that and took it all in stride. He admired her for that.

  The fact that she was drinking water was a blessing in disguise. If she were drinking wine or soda, it could’ve been worse. In this case no harm, no foul.

  The pizza was delicious, but he couldn’t think about anything but getting her home and out of those wet clothes. Patience barely picked at her food too.

  “Why don’t we take this to go?”

  “That’s probably the best idea. I’m a bit chilly.”

  “I’ll warm you up. I promise.”

  “I’m counting on that.” This time she winked at him, and he felt his dick stiffen. He prayed he could keep it under control until they got home. Otherwise it was going to be a long, uncomfortable ride.

  Chapter Four

  William was glad he’d opted for the heated seats when he’d bought his car. The outside temps were barely in the twenties, and with Patience’s wet jeans it made her that much colder. He warmed the car while she waited inside the restaurant. The owner had their dinner packed up and added in dessert. They knew he felt embarrassed by his staff and wouldn’t hold it against him.

  Needing to leave some money, William gave the new waitress a twenty for her troubles. She’d been the direct opposite of their first server, much to their relief.

  Once the car was toasty, William went back in and got Patience.

  “Where to? My place or yours?”

  “Mine, please. I need a change of clothes.”

  They drove in silence. William wasn’t sure how things would shake out when they arrived at her place. He didn’t plan on being too forward and pushing her for sex. He’d be more than happy to wait for another date, even if his cock throbbed painfully, begging for release. He could always rush home and relieve himself.

  “I had a fun time even with the sideshow.”

  She startled him when she spoke. The silence had been so deafening, and he’d been consumed with his own thoughts.

  “I did too. I hope I can convince you to go out with me again. To another restaurant, of course.” The chances of him bringing her back there were slim to none.

  “This night isn’t over.”

  “No?” He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t overjoyed by her statement.

  “Not by a long shot. I believe you promised me an orgasm or two. I plan to collect.”

  He pressed his foot down on the gas. “Let’s get you home and out of those clothes.”

  They arrived at her place in record time. William silently thanked God he hadn’t been pulled over by the police. He was certain he’d broken a few minor laws in his rush to get back to her place.

  “Home sweet home.” He turned off the car and raced to her side to open the door for her.

  She stepped out and shivered.

  “I really need something warm.” They walked up her stairs, and she unlocked the door.

  Upon entering, she flipped on lights. William wasn’t sure what to expect after being left outside earlier. He’d figured she had a
messy house that she didn’t want him to see, but it was the exact opposite.

  Her place was spotless. She had eclectic taste. The couch and love seat were contemporary; she had Southwestern pieces on her shelves. Her paintings were a mixture of country and contemporary. As crazy as it sounded, he liked it. It had appeal. A homey look to it.

  “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll just be a minute.”

  William glanced in her direction. “Hold up, Patience.”

  She stopped and waited.

  He crossed the floor in a few short strides. He pushed her back until she was even with the wall. His hands cupped her face, and he leaned in for a long kiss.

  Her eyes grew full and she appeared startled. Fear subsided and then her eyes sparkled. William saw something he longed for all night—desire. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  Satisfaction filled him as he closed his eyes. Patience wrapped her arms around his neck. Her heat radiated off her body into his. He used his knee to separate her legs. The warmth coming from her pussy was undeniable.

  Temptation ran deep in his veins. He moved his hand along her waist and over to her hotness. He rubbed a finger along the seam of her jeans.

  She gasped, and he swallowed the sound.

  William used his other hand to capture her wrist and pinned it against the wall above her head.

  He removed his lips and gazed into her eyes. “Ever been taken against a wall?”

  She shook her head.

  “You’re in for a treat tonight, lovely lady.”

  Her free hand moved to his aching cock and stroked.

  William shuddered.

  “Careful, darlin’. You don’t want to get me all hot and bothered so quickly.”

  “Must I remind you I don’t have much patience for taking things slow?”

  “Oh, it’s gonna be slow and torturous. Don’t look so disappointed. I’m sure you’ll be singing a different tune when we’re done.”

  Her frown slowly turned into a wicked grin.

  “Promises. Promises.”

  William grabbed her other wrist in his hand and pinned it with the other one. With both arms pinned above her head, he carefully unbuttoned her jeans. As the zipper descended she let out a whimper. He slipped his hand inside her panties, looking for her sweet nub. The tip of his finger touched her hot button, and she took a deep breath.

  He ran his finger across her clit. Her chest heaved up and down as her breathing grew heavy. The tiny nub swelled under his touch. The urge to suck it between his lips grew overpowering. He released her wrists, hooked his fingers into the loops of her jeans, and tugged them down over her hips. They slid down with ease, as did her sexy purple thongs.

  He dropped to his knees. The scent of her arousal assaulted his nostrils, causing his dick to strain against the confines of his pants. He did his best to ignore the throbbing pain as he leaned in and wrapped his lips around her clit.

  The thud against the wall startled him. He looked up to see Patience’s head lolling back and forth. Her eyes were closed, and a small smile on her face.

  Her eyes sprang open.

  “Is something wrong?” The panic in her voice didn’t go undetected.

  “No, just checking to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m perfect. Please don’t stop.”

  He chuckled before reattaching his lips onto her decadent flavor. Her clit continued to swell while he flicked his tongue against it.

  “God, yes. That feels amazing. I never knew it could be so fucking unbelievable.”

  Her words hit him hard. Had this beauty been denied one of the sweetest rewards of climaxing from a man’s tongue?

  What a shame, though part of him grew more excited knowing he was the first man to wrap his lips around her precious clit. He’d be the one to send her skyrocketing over the edge of ecstasy.

  Fingers touched his scalp. They caressed his head while he continued sucking on her. He held on to her hips as she rocked them against his face. He moved his right hand under his chin and inched closer to her channel. Hot lava coated the opening of her pussy. He nudged the digit between the folds, entering her pussy. Her walls were tight, but that didn’t stop him from slipping another finger into her channel.

  Juices covered his fingers. He lapped at her nub, rolling across it slowly and sucking it between his lips. Her legs tensed, and William knew she was close. He scissored his fingers, stretching the walls. He flicked his tongue over her clit again while tugging on it with his mouth.

  The contractions started gradually and picked up speed. The walls of her pussy clamped down on his digits like a vise. She cried out as her body succumbed to the climax. William didn’t let up on his assault of her bud. He worked his magic with his mouth and fingers until her body grew limp. Once he was certain she’d ridden through the waves of her orgasm, he removed his hand and mouth. He quickly stood up and gathered her in his arms.

  She’d had her climax; now it was time to tie this beauty to her bed.

  PATIENCE COULDN’T BREATHE. If William hadn’t scooped her up, she’d be a pile of mush on the floor. She’d never had the pleasure of a man going down on her, so she hadn’t realized what she was missing.

  Shit, the moment he’d wrapped his lips around her clit, she knew she’d entered heaven. The feelings that rocked her body were out of this world. Now, limp as a rag doll, she rested her head against his shoulder. The smell of her orgasm lingered on his face. The only thing that mattered to her was being in his strong arms. He carried her to her room with ease.

  He placed her on the bed, and she settled against the pillows. William unzipped her boot, removed it, and placed it on the floor. He did the same with the other. Once they were off, he worked her jeans and undies the rest of the way off. They ended up on the foot of the bed. As she lay there with just her shirt and bra, she didn’t feel embarrassed or disgusted for what they had done. Steven had made her think that sex could only be missionary-style. Sure she’d had sex with a few other guys, but she’d never dared ask for what she wanted. With William, she felt she could speak her mind and he’d accept her, even honor her wishes. He was a refreshing surprise, and she was glad they’d found each other.

  She leaned over and attempted to work the button on his pants.

  “Not yet,” he said, covering her hand. “This is about you right now.”

  “That hardly seems fair. I can clearly see you’re excited. Don’t you want to have your own climax?”

  “I will, darlin’. All in due time.”

  This was another revelation to her. Steven was always about his satisfaction, and hers had been secondary. With William his concern was for her pleasure. That made her want to please him more. She wanted to take him in her mouth. She’d experienced giving with her first boyfriend, but they were young and naive. She’d like to try it again as a woman who was rediscovering her sexuality. In some ways it was like being a virgin all over again.

  “Come on. I feel awful making you wait. It makes me feel selfish.”

  William climbed on the bed and gathered her in his arms. “Shhh. There’s nothing selfish about what we’re doing. I get extreme pleasure from giving to you. Believe me, I’d love nothing more than to tear off my clothes and drive my hard cock into you. First I want to watch you squirm as I tantalize your body. I just about lost my mind when you crumpled in my arms from your orgasm.”

  “It was a first for me,” she confessed.

  He kissed her hair. “God, you don’t know how exciting that is for me. I’m just sorry you had to miss out on that for so long.”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t know what I was missing.”

  “I’m not gonna let you miss out on anything else. Whatever you want just let me know. I’ll be your sex slave.”

  She giggled. The idea of having William as a sex slave was appealing. She wondered if she should share her fantasy with him. Would he think her some kind of a freak if she told him she always imagined being taken in the bathroom, over the s

  “Seriously. Have you ever wanted to try something but were afraid to ask?”

  Fuck it, she had nothing to lose. If he found her disgusting, it was just as well she find out now, instead of later when she had deep feelings for him.

  “I do, but if I tell you I’m afraid of how you’ll look at me.” She ran her fingertip along the buttons on his shirt.

  “I’d never look at you differently for your sexual preferences. That’s absurd. Sexuality is to be praised, not frowned upon.”

  “I’m not sure you’d agree after you hear what my fantasy is.”

  He lifted her chin with his knuckle. “You should never be afraid to tell me how you feel. I promise I’d never make fun of you.”

  She trusted him. She had no reason not to. Yet, Steven’s words lingered in the back of her mind. The look of horror on his face when she’d expressed her desires. She couldn’t subject herself to those jeers.

  “Hey, I’m not like other men. Try me.”

  Sincerity shone in his eyes. She felt like she was looking into his soul. He begged her to trust in him, and she would.

  “In my daydreams, I’d just be getting out of the shower, and a stranger would enter the bathroom. I’m naked and dripping wet. The stranger would demand I turn around, and he’d take me over the bathroom sink.”

  “Does he have a weapon?”

  Patience hadn’t considered it before. She shrugged.

  “I guess it wouldn’t matter. He’s big and strong and can overpower me. His size alone scares me.”

  “When he takes you, is it rough and dirty?”

  She couldn’t believe William was asking her all these questions. He didn’t seem put off by the idea, more intrigued than anything.

  “I think so. Kinda like forced sex, but not, because he’s not really a stranger.”

  “I understand what you mean. It could be fun. Now would the stranger be wearing a mask or anything?”

  It amazed her that he was thinking this through with such details. She’d only thought about the one part. She’d never considered the rest. She liked the idea of building on it with him.

  “A mask could be good. Only the eyes and mouth showing.”