DantesDesire Read online

Page 4

  “I tried telling my agent that, but the gallery loves them.”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what they love. I refuse to allow you to show my body.” Her arms crossed over her chest. She continued looking at the drawings. Like a smack across the face she noticed the one with her mole. The one dangerously close to her pussy. This was all too much to comprehend.

  The whole time she thought he was possibly masturbating while she gave him a cheap thrill, but instead he was creating what he called art? Another sickening thought came to mind. She didn’t want to ask the question, terrified of the answer, but she had to.

  “Did you ever photograph me?”

  The look of horror on his face said it all. He had. He’d taken photos of her. She felt dirty and ashamed. What if the pictures wound up on the web?

  “I want them. I want all of them. Now!” She held out her hand.

  He nodded and walked away from her. She watched him digging through a drawer. His shoulders hung low. His face turned ashen. He might feel bad about what he’d done, but that didn’t excuse him. Addison could never forgive him for this. He could have told her. He’d had a full week to clue her in on what he’d been doing, but he’d chosen not to. There was no excuse for his lies.

  “You’re a sick bastard,” she spat as he handed the photos to her.

  “That’s harsh, Addison. I wasn’t the one taking off all my clothes for anyone to see.”

  Another slap across the face.

  “No you were the one drawing every last detail and taking pictures. What’d you do, whack off to them too?” She knew her words were callous, but she didn’t care. Her body was on display for everyone to see.

  “No!” he insisted. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Why should I believe you now?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you, Addison. I’ve been honest about everything, except…”

  “Yeah. That’s a big except.”

  “Listen I understand you’re upset. I should have told you before tonight, but I was afraid of your reaction and justifiably so, apparently.”

  “I’m a private person, Dante.”


  “What’s so funny?” Who did he think he was, laughing at her?

  “You, claiming to be a private person. A private person doesn’t go around stripping in their bedroom window. A private person doesn’t stick vibrators in their cunt and masturbate for any person to watch. You should count your blessings that it was me doing the drawings and taking the pictures.”

  “And why should I be thankful for that?”

  “Because I have the decency to do it tastefully. And I planned on giving you the photos all along. I had no intention of keeping them. Who knows if anyone else was watching you? Have you ever given that consideration?”

  “Fuck off, Dante.” She stormed out of the bedroom and out of his life.

  Dante stood there shocked. He really shouldn’t have been, given the situation, but he was. Seriously did she think he was the only one watching? God only knew who else was privy to her shows. His apartment building was large.

  “Fuck!” He knew there was a possibility things could end up like this, but he’d hoped they could work through it. He’d felt them growing closer this week. He’d hoped she would be willing to talk about it.

  Maybe he should call her or text her.

  “Nah. I better let her cool off for a bit.” Maybe once she cooled down she’d contact him. But something deep inside told him that wasn’t going to happen.

  Dante called Chet and let him know that any drawings with faces were not to be used. Chet wasn’t happy, but agreed. Dante promised to draw something just as good before the showing.

  “You better have something spectacular, buddy. This guy wants her.”

  He wasn’t the only one.

  “I promise you he’ll be happy.”

  Dante wasn’t sure he could live up to his promises, but he had to give it a shot. He didn’t feel like drawing. He wanted to feel Addison in his arms. He wanted to feel her underneath him squirming while he brought her orgasm after orgasm. That wasn’t to be though. She didn’t want anything from him.

  He went to the window that overlooked her bedroom. The curtains were closed. Probably forever. He couldn’t blame her really.

  * * * * *

  Addison had a major headache. The fight with Dante four days ago still rattled in her brain. She’d talked to her best friend Daphne about the situation. She couldn’t believe she’d confessed to putting on shows for Dante and probably the whole neighborhood. Daphne had been straightforward and told her Dante was right. She was lucky it was him and not some sick fuck. Who knows what someone else might do?

  Addison knew she was right. She knew Dante was right.

  Since that night Addison had searched the web and YouTube trying to see if anyone had put her on the internet. How mortifying it would be. So far she hadn’t seen anything, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t out there.

  She should go to him. She should be at his opening night standing by his side, supporting him. She would, but she couldn’t get past the idea of her body being displayed on the canvasses for everyone to see.

  Thoughts of his drawings filled her mind. She’d found them exquisite when she first looked at them. She couldn’t believe how talented he was. So what was the issue?

  “Maybe he canceled.” She went to her bedroom, opened the curtains and glanced over to his place. Pitch black.

  “No such luck.” She closed the curtains and went back to the living room. It was nearing time for his showing. If she left now she could make it in time. But what would she say?

  Picking up the phone she dialed Daphne.


  “Hey, tell me again why I should go to Dante’s art show?”

  “Are you seriously still home?”


  “You know you want to be there. I don’t understand why you’re still home.”

  “Because I’m still pissed.”

  “At what? If you’re gonna be pissed at anyone it should be yourself. You need to exercise some caution, Addison.”

  “Oh bite me, Daph.”

  “I think you’d prefer Dante.”

  “Ha. Ha. Ha.” Though her best friend wasn’t far off. She missed talking to him. She missed him nibbling on her ear whispering sweet nothings. She missed the way he smelled and the way his tongue tasted when he danced playfully in her mouth. She longed to run her fingers through his hair and see that sparkle in his eyes when she’d open the door to him.

  “He really cares for me,” she admitted.

  “Ding. Ding. Ding. She’s got a clue.”

  “Bite me.”

  “You keep offering. Better watch out, I might just do it.”

  Addison laughed. She loved her best friend dearly. She was glad she had her to bounce things off.

  “I gotta go.”

  “Please tell me it’s because you’re going to see Dante.”

  “I’ll let you know how I make out tomorrow.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  Addison placed the phone down and quickly picked it back up. She had one more call to make before she decided whether or not she was going.

  Dante walked around the gallery mingling with all the prospective buyers. Everyone seemed to be admiring the drawings of Addison. There were stickers on a handful of name tags, reflecting they were sold. He should have butterflies in his stomach. He should be proud of his success, but he wasn’t.

  Success wasn’t as sweet when it was at the expense of someone else. He wanted Addison. None of this meant anything to him without her. He felt terrible for the pain he’d caused her. He’d wanted to pick up the phone so many times over the last few days, but knew better. If she wanted to be with him she would have called. She was finished with him.

  He sipped the bitter champagne. God, he couldn’t get used to the taste of this stuff. He went in search of a bottle of water. Sneaking past
people who wanted to talk to the artist he slipped into the back room where he knew he had some water.

  “What are you doing back here?”

  “Jesus, Chet you scared the crap out of me,” Dante said, holding his heart.

  “Well you need to be out there with your fans.”

  “I needed some water.” He dug a water bottle out of his bag.

  “Your drawings are selling like crazy.”

  “Mmmm.” He swigged a mouthful of water.

  “In this economy you should be thrilled to sell anything.”

  “I am. I’m ecstatic.” He plastered a fake smile on his face.

  “Don’t try to pretend with me. It’s them you have to fool.”

  His agent pointed to the door leading to the people waiting for him.

  He nodded. “I will don’t worry. I won’t disappoint you.”

  “Oh by the way, there’s something extra special behind that door for you.” He pointed in the other direction.

  “Chet?” Dante was confused. What could possibly be in the other room for him?

  Chet shrugged. “Don’t take too long, Dante. You’re a hit.”


  Dante watched Chet scurry off. Curious, he walked to the door. Apprehensively he turned the knob. It was dark. He felt around the wall for a light switch. His fingers grazed over it. He flipped the switch.

  Lights blazed brilliantly. His eyes quickly adjusted just in time to see her. Lying on the couch wearing nothing but a grin.

  “Addison?” He quickly closed the door behind him. He locked it. “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to support the local talent.”

  “Where are your clothes?”

  “Are you seriously going to stand there asking where my clothes are? Wouldn’t you rather know why I’m naked?”

  “Of course. It’s just that there are a lot of people out there and anyone could come looking for me at any minute and you’ll need to get dressed.”

  She laughed. “Stop being so nervous. Chet has it all under control. I promised him I wouldn’t keep you too long.”

  He let out a low whistle. “So that’s what Chet meant about not taking too long.”

  She curled her finger beckoning him over.

  He rushed to her side.

  “Take off this monkey suit,” she said, tugging at his tie.

  “Addison, I can’t. I need to get back to my guests.”

  “You don’t want your prize?”

  She looked offended, breaking his heart.

  “I want my prize more than anything. I’m so terribly sorry for causing you any pain I might have.”

  “I’m sorry for the rotten things I said to you. You were right, Dante. I’m lucky it was you watching. I’m still not sure no one else was watching too.”

  The thought tore at his heart. He didn’t like the idea of anyone else watching her. She meant the world to him. In that moment he realized he loved her. He loved her more than he’d ever loved another person.

  “Let’s forget about that.” He bent over and took her lips in his. God it felt like forever since he tasted her. His cock stirred to life, something it hadn’t done in four days.

  She pushed him away. “Does that mean I can talk you out of these cumbersome clothes?”

  “Don’t get me wrong I want to take you now. I want to make love to you all night long, it’s just…” He looked at his watch. “The show is almost over.”

  “I talked to Chet before I came over. He said the owner extended the time because you’re a hit! I think that calls for a quick celebration.”

  Dante smiled. “You talked to Chet before coming over?”

  “Of course. How do you think I managed to get in here? He snuck me in the back door, so you wouldn’t see me.”

  Oh he loved this little vixen. She was slick.

  “Now are you going to make me beg or are you going to remove your clothes?”

  Her lips pouted and he laughed.

  “How can I resist an offer like that?” Dante shed his clothing and crawled onto the couch with her. “I don’t have any condoms on me. I didn’t expect to be having sex tonight.”

  “That’s good to hear. I’d be worried if you were carrying a strip of them in your pocket.”

  “I don’t want anyone but my muse.”


  Dante knew she was confused. “You are my muse, my inspiration. I wasn’t drawing before you started putting on your little shows. I was blocked so to speak.”

  “I’m glad I could be your inspiration.” She winked. Reaching between his legs she rubbed his hard cock.

  “What are we going to do about the condom situation? Because if you keep touching me like that I’m going to lose control and slam into that hot pussy of yours.”

  “I’ve come prepared.” She reached behind her and pulled out a condom.

  “Slide this on and take me.”

  Dante ripped the condom from her fingers, tore it open and sheathed himself.

  Addison nestled onto her back.

  “Take me big boy!”

  With that Dante slid into her wet slick pussy. As her juices coated him he knew he found paradise. He found his every desire in this woman lying on her back, waiting for only him.

  She reached up and stroked his face.

  “I love you Dante.”

  “I love you too, Addison.”

  Their bodies melted into one, each lost in the bliss of their love for one another.

  About the Author

  From a very young age, Amber Skyze began making up stories—the only child syndrome. Had anyone asked her back then if she would write when she grew up, she’d have laughed. It wasn’t until raising children and reading all those romances that she decided, hey, I can write these. Then she discovered erotica and found her calling.

  This New York transplant now resides in Rhode Island with her husband (the inspiration behind her stories), three children—who force her to work a day job—and three dogs. She’s thrilled to join the authors of Ellora’s Cave.

  Amber welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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  Also by Amber Skyze

  Body Shots


  Pretend with Me

  Research Required

  Splashing Good Time

  Submit with Me

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