ChasingForever Read online

Page 4

  “Incredible how caring this community is. I knew we’d draw a crowd but there has to be at least fifty people if not more.”

  Jordyn had expected a dozen at the most, so this was even better. Diego was right, they were a strong group of people with giant hearts.

  “Hey, thanks for coming, everyone.” Diego raised his voice as he grew closer to the crowd. “You don’t know how much this means to me—us.”

  He took Jordyn’s hand and lifted it in the air with his.

  Everyone offered their thanks for them putting it together. Surfboards and flowers were all she could see and it made her smile.

  With Diego leading the crowd they all got on their boards and swam out into the calm waters. The ocean was eerily calm, like it rested for the memorial. Once they swam far enough out they formed a huge circle and paid homage to Samantha. A few tears were shed, including from Jordyn herself. She couldn’t help but cry. She’d witnessed the lifeless body being dragged from the ravages of the ocean. It’d pained her to watch as Diego had tried unsuccessfully to bring her back to life.

  She laid her flowers in the water and silently said a prayer. As she asked for peace for Samantha she also asked the ocean to keep Diego safe, because even this death couldn’t keep him from seeking that ultimate wave.

  * * * * *

  Weeks flew by. It was hard to remember a time that she and Diego weren’t a couple. They’d always spent most of their free time together, but now they were having sex. Jordyn knew she was in love with him. She wasn’t sure what his feelings were for her. Granted she knew he cared, but she wasn’t sure his devotion ran as deep as hers. Love was a big word, especially for someone like Diego who enjoyed his freedom. He only answered to one thing—the ocean. Not that she wanted him answering to her. She wasn’t the controlling type.

  Shading her eyes from the sun with her hand, Jordyn searched the waters for Diego. They’d only been to this beach once, but Diego had heard they had some monstrous waves. Not only did they have waves, they had rocks. Many jagged rocks. If an inexperienced person wasn’t careful, they’d become diced-up meat for the fish or sharks.

  She’d hoped the death of the girl would be enough to scare Diego into forgetting about catching that great big wave, but she’d been wrong. He continued chasing that dream. Jordyn chased something different. She craved the warmth of security. She was chasing the ominous beast of forever.

  The problem in chasing forever was Diego wasn’t on the same path as her.

  She spotted him out in the depths. A few other boarders were in his general area. Today there was no storm threatening their safety. The sun shone bright in the cloudless, blue sky. A slight breeze came off the water, but not enough to be chilling. Surfers came in and out of the water. Watchers filled the sandy shore, ever curious if someone would get hurt or do something spectacular.

  Diego had done something spectacular. He’d shown her things she’d never seen sexually and in her heart. She’d been guarded for so long and all her defenses were down.

  In that moment she decided she’d tell Diego she loved him. If he ran in the other direction, then she’d know it wasn’t meant to be. She couldn’t deny her feelings any longer. Tonight when she told him she loved him she’d ask if he’d stop looking for that ultimate high. In constant fear that he’d be hurt or wind up dead wasn’t the way she wanted to live. She didn’t want him to give up surfing, because it was in his blood and she couldn’t bear asking for something that close to his heart. She only wanted him to be less of a risk-taker.

  There was a time when she’d spent almost as much time in the water as Diego, but not anymore. Now she spent most of her time sitting on a towel in the sand, soaking up the sun’s rays. She still got on her board from time to time, but not nearly as much as he did.

  Diego jogged up the sand, carrying his board. When he reached her he dug his board into the sand and smiled.

  “Why aren’t you coming in? The waves are fantastic.”

  She shrugged.

  “Come on, Jordyn. You’ve never sat by idly. What’s going on?”

  She peered up at him and saw the concern on his face. How could she tell him she feared him dying? The thought of him surfing anymore freaked her out.

  “Nothing,” she lied. It wasn’t the time or the place to be honest with him. The truth would have to wait until later, when they were alone in her apartment.

  “Please come out with me. Just for a little while.”

  Resisting Diego when he begged was nearly impossible. The way his chocolate eyes drooped reminded her of a puppy dog after being scolded. The look always managed to melt her heart.

  “Fine,” she relented. “I’ll go in for a short time.”

  “That’s my girl.” He offered his hand and she readily accepted.

  The sparks were still there after the few weeks. Heat charged through her body straight to her core. Diego pulled her tightly into his arms and planted a kiss on her lips.

  “You’re the best.”

  The words lingered on her tongue. She wanted to tell him how she felt, but knew it wasn’t the time or the place for confessions.

  She swallowed.


  She pushed out of his embrace and grabbed her board. “Last one in is a…”

  Digging her feet into the sand she dodged for the water. Diego quickly caught up to her and they hit the water at the same time. Climbing on their boards they paddled out to catch the wave.

  “I’ll go first,” he said.

  Be careful.

  “Okay.” She nodded and watched as he paddled harder. The wave built and Jordyn had an uneasy feeling in her gut. She didn’t want to be out here. Something felt off. She’d only been back on the board twice since the girl died. Both times were where the waves were small and less threatening.

  Diego charged forward, riding into the wave. As it started to envelop him, he climbed to a standing position and rode the wave. Relief washed over her as she watched him do his magic. He truly was one with the ocean. The self-proclaimed beach bum knew what he was doing, but that didn’t stop her from worrying.

  It was her turn to catch the wave. She dug her hands in the water and paddled onward. As she drew near the pending wave, gone was the fear. Instincts took over. She watched and waited for the perfect moment to make her move. The formation built and she jumped up so both feet were planted firmly on her board. She lifted her arms to steady herself. The wave moved swiftly, allowing her and her surfboard to coast along on its crest. She continued balancing herself.

  As the wave subsided she lost her footing and fell into the water. When she surfaced Diego was beside her, worried.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She laughed. Her falling was much different from being dragged under by the force of the water.

  “See, not so bad, is it?” He leaned over and kissed her. “Will you stop worrying now? The accident was just that, an accident. We aren’t going to get hurt. We know what we’re doing.”

  Licking her bottom lip, the taste of Diego still present, she nodded.

  “Great. Are you coming back in with me?”

  “You win.” Jordyn followed Diego back into the deeper waters. They surfed until Jordyn was too tired.

  “I’m going to chill on the blanket.”

  “I’ll be out shortly. I want to catch a few more.”

  She smiled, knowing she’d be dragging him out of the water in another hour. Jordyn left him to his time with the ocean and settled on the blanket. She removed her wet suit and enjoyed the sun’s rays cascading over her body. This was what made her happy, hanging in the sun, soaking up the rays.

  Closing her eyes she let the warmth fill her. The ocean crashing into the shore lulled her into a serene place. As she drifted off to sleep her thoughts were of making love to Diego. Jordyn was content and telling Diego her feelings was the next step to blissfulness.

  “Help! Help!” Jordyn heard the screams but didn’t know where they w
ere coming from. She and Diego were walking along the beach, holding hands. They were talking about the future. She looked around hurriedly but didn’t see anyone who might need help.

  The cries grew louder and more intense. Jordyn shook awake and realized she’d been dreaming.

  “Oh. My. God!” The same voice that was crying for help seemed panicked.

  Jordyn wiped her eyes and focused. She looked to her left and didn’t see anyone. She bolted up as a sickening fear came over her. She was at the beach. It was happening again. Someone was dying at the hands of the ocean.

  She scanned the water, looking for Diego. No sign of him. She looked to the shore. A group of people were gathered around. Someone was in the sand. Jordyn was on her feet and running toward the crowd.

  Drawing nearer she knew it was Diego. She wanted to turn around and run in the other direction rather than face the possibility that he could be dead too. Somehow she managed to move forward.

  Weeding her way through the people she looked down to see Diego in a sitting position, holding his head.

  “What happened?” she demanded.

  He looked up at her a weak smile on his face. He didn’t need to speak, his eyes told a tale all their own. He’d been dragged under and almost died. The moment she’d dreaded since the beginning had come true. An overwhelming feeling came over her. She wanted to cry. Temptation to scream at him and beg him not to leave her like her father had, filled every ounce of her soul. Instead she fell to her knees.

  “Are you okay?” She touched his face, checking to see if anything was broken. He had a small bump on his head. “You need to have this checked out by a doctor.”

  “I’m fine. I don’t need a doctor.”

  “Humor me and get it examined, please.”

  “You’re the boss,” he joked.

  Jordyn wasn’t in a joking mood. She’d feared this moment and it had arrived. Now she had to rush him to the hospital to make sure he’d be all right. This wasn’t the way things were supposed to happen. She wasn’t sure she could deal with his daring lifestyle any longer.

  With the help of a few people she managed to get Diego into the Jeep, along with both boards. Jordyn packed up the other stuff and threw it in the backseat. She climbed into the driver’s seat and shifted into gear.

  Anger bubbled inside her. She was pissed that he was such a risk-taker. He could have killed himself out there and it didn’t seem to faze him. Didn’t he realize how much she loved him? Did he not care that he tormented her every time he entered the water? Did he care?

  Diego rambled on about how exciting it’d been to ride the wave and how exhilarating it’d been when he got knocked off. Jordyn tuned him out. She didn’t want to hear about how much he enjoyed almost being killed. No one in their right mind thought being wiped out by a wave was fun—except Diego.

  As she pulled into the emergency room parking lot, Jordyn knew there was only one thing left for her to do. No matter how much it hurt, the alternative was worse.

  Chapter Four

  It seemed like forever since she’d spoken to Diego, though barely a week had gone by. Jordyn had made sure he got a clean bill of health from the doctor and then she’d driven him home. She saw him safely into his apartment and then told him flat-out she couldn’t see him again.

  Tears fell from her eyes as each day passed with no word from Diego. She had no clue whether he was dead or alive. All sorts of images plagued her. Especially one with his lifeless body being dragged from the ocean.

  “Damn you, Diego.” She punched the black throw pillow over and over. Why hadn’t he called?

  Not one missed call, nothing.

  Didn’t he care about her too? She thought for sure he’d felt the same way she did. To think she’d planned to tell him her feelings that dreadful day.

  She snickered.

  Thank God she hadn’t told him. She’d feel like a laughingstock if she had. She already felt like a fool for thinking they were more than friends. How many times had he told her he loved her like a sister? Too many to count.

  She was obviously just a booty call. A way to relieve some sexual tension.

  The sex had been hot. Her pussy juice pooled at her opening just thinking about him nestled inside her.

  Frustrated, she rolled into a ball on the couch, pulled the blanket over her and closed her eyes. Sleep was the only way to forget about Diego. Unless he haunted her dreams too.

  * * * * *

  She woke a few hours later feeling more refreshed than she had in a week. Her heart was still heavy with the knowledge that she and Diego were over, but she had to get back to the land of the living. She needed to get out of the house and do something. Anything.

  She jumped in the shower and threw on a fresh pair of denim cutoff shorts, along with a black tank top. She pulled her long sandy blonde hair back into a ponytail and put on light makeup.

  She smiled at her reflection staring back at her. There were bags under her eyes, but she did the best she could to hide them with her makeup.

  It was time for her to get out and meet someone. She would go clubbing. Maybe she’d do some dancing. She had no plans of bringing anyone back to her place, nor did she plan to go home with anyone. She’d merely hang in the club with someone and maybe grab a number or two.

  There was no harm in flirting, and chatting on the phone with a new guy was definitely acceptable. She deserved to be happy and if Diego didn’t want to be the one, that was fine by her. She’d get over him.

  Besides, she’d been the one to end things. She was the one who couldn’t take his daring nature. Yet he hadn’t fought or argued with her. No, he’d let her walk out without saying a single word.

  After throwing on some sexy slingback sandals, she grabbed her small purse and keys from her dresser and headed to the front door.

  She’d show Diego she could move on with her life too.

  Swinging the door open, Jordyn wasn’t prepared for the person standing on her doorstep.


  “Hey.” He stood with his hands dug in his pockets. He rocked back and forth, looking like a nervous schoolboy getting ready to ask the hot girl to the prom.

  “What are you doing here?” She wanted to pull him into her arms and kiss him. She longed to feel his tongue all over her body, exploring. Jordyn craved the feel of his arms wrapped around her waist. She wasn’t over him. Not by a long shot.

  “Can we talk?”

  Jordyn contemplated his request. She wanted to talk to him, but he’d waited a week to contact her. Part of her didn’t care. He was there now and that was all that mattered.

  “Sure,” she said, stepping aside and allowing him to enter into her place.

  Diego took his time walking through her door. Maybe he was afraid she’d change her mind. She certainly had every right. He’d scared the hell out of her and when she asked him to stop taking risks, he’d refused. She’d done the only thing she knew—she’d ended things with him. The stress became too much. She worried over his safety and he didn’t mind taking risks. Yet she knew deep down she couldn’t ask him to stop doing something he loved. It wasn’t fair. Giving up surfing was like giving up life to Diego.

  He’d been lucky this time, but who was to say things would work out properly the next time? Her body shuddered just thinking about him lying in the sand out cold. His lifeless body turning blue.

  Tears threatened and she willed them away. Pain for what he might do to himself and what she’d demanded of him. Realization dawned on her. She’d asked too much.

  Diego didn’t sit. Instead he stood looking sheepishly.

  “Go ahead, Diego. You don’t have to stand.” She nodded toward the couch.

  He accepted her offer and sat on the far end. Jordyn took a seat on the other end.

  “How’ve you been?”

  She laughed.

  “Get to the point, Diego. You’re here for a reason, so spill it.”

  “Are you going somewhere?”

bsp; “As a matter of fact I was just headed out the door.”

  “Oh.” Whatever the reason for being here it was obviously painful. Jordyn had no plans for making it easy on him.

  “Seriously, Diego. I was getting ready to go out for the night, so if you don’t mind. I’m willing to hear what you came to say, but I’d like to get out of here soon.”

  She had to get away from him. Far away from him. She feared if she stayed too close he’d wear down all her defenses and she’d throw herself in his arms. That couldn’t happen. Not if she wanted to remain at a distance.

  Diego jumped to his feet and headed toward the door. “I’m sorry for bothering you. If I’d known you were busy, I wouldn’t have come.”

  If you picked up the damn phone and called, you’d know.

  “It’s all right, Diego. Come sit and we’ll talk.” Patting the seat beside her, she’d found her defenses were already caving in.

  Damn him.

  Head hung low, he returned to his end of the couch.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  Those three words were all she needed and her body crumbled. She fell back against the throw pillow and covered her face in her hands.

  “A lot,” he added.

  She’d missed him more than words could convey. The long nights thinking about him. Countless hours reminiscing about their time together, even before they became lovers.

  They shared a ton of happy memories. The good outweighed the bad, that was for sure. Laughter had always been part of their time together.

  She removed her hands and sat back up.

  “I’ve missed you too, Diego.” A small admission wasn’t harmful.

  “Do you know how many times I’ve picked up the phone and set it back down? I’ve been scared to call you.”

  “Why?” She wouldn’t admit she’d done the same.

  “Because of this. I was afraid you’d reject me.”

  “I’m not rejecting you, Diego. I do have plans.” Not with anyone specific, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

  “A date?” The words were like venom.

  “No. Not a date.”

  When he let out a breath of relief it was all over for Jordyn. The need to comfort him took over her sensibility.