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Gettin’ Lucky
Amber Skyze
A story in the Cougar Challenge series.
Marcy Brown can’t get enough of Lucky, her massage therapist. Lucky’s fingers always linger dangerously close to…sensitive areas, and ignite a fire she can’t ignore. Marcy isn’t looking for a relationship, but a friend with benefits would be right up her alley. The women of her fave blog, Tempt the Cougar, swear by younger men, but Marcy doesn’t want to train someone. She wants a man who can give her orgasm after orgasm.
Lucky offers to be her secret lover and help her realize all her fantasies. With Lucky, Marcy discovers the thrill of sexual positions and taboos she’s been missing out on—up to and including sex with two gorgeous men at once.
All bets are off when this Cougar is challenged to get her growl on.
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Gettin’ Lucky
ISBN 9781419930492
Gettin’ Lucky Copyright © 2010 Amber Skyze
Edited by Helen Woodall
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book publication November 2010
The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Gettin’ Lucky
Amber Skyze
This goes out to all the women of the Cougar Challenge series. It’s an honor to be part of all this talent. A huge THANK YOU for inviting me in to such an amazing group.
Author Note
You’ll find the women of Cougar Challenge and the Tempt the Cougar blog at www.temptthecougar.blogspot.com.
Trademarks Acknowledgement
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
Ninja Turtles: Mirage Studios, Inc.
Vaseline: Unilever Supply Chain, Inc.
Chapter One
“Isn’t he hot, sweetie?”
“Mom!” Marcy groaned.
“What? Is there something wrong with me thinking the young doctor is sexy?”
“Mother, please.” Not that there was anything wrong with her admiring the younger doctor. Shit Marcy fantasized about younger men, but she kept it under wraps. She didn’t speak the words out loud.
Marcy wished she could crawl under a rock and die. They were in the recovery room. Her mother had just undergone surgery for her broken wrist. It wasn’t like they were alone. The room was full of other people who had come from surgery too, along with their family members. Marcy looked around to see if anyone else was listening to her mother’s tirade. She couldn’t believe her mother was talking about how hot the doctor was in front of all these people. Christ, he was young enough to be her son, possibly grandson.
“Thank you,” the doctor said. “Now I want you to rest for the next few days. No using those fingers, either. You need to give your body time to recuperate.”
“Anything you say, Doctor.”
Marcy watched as her mother made googly eyes at the doctor.
“Do you make house calls?” she asked, reaching out with her good hand to touch him.
He chuckled.
“They don’t allow us to go to patients’ homes, but I’ll see you in a few days at my office. All right?”
“If you insist.”
“I’ll see you soon.” He patted her mother’s leg before rushing off to his next patient.
Marcy looked down at her mother.
“I can’t believe you just said those things to the doctor, Mother,” she whispered.
“It’s all right, Ms. Brown,” the nurse said. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Lots of women enjoy the company of younger men.”
Not my mother and certainly not me. Though she couldn’t deny the growing attraction she’d been feeling for Lucky. Lately every time he massaged her he came dangerously close to her pussy, stirring up tingling sensations she hadn’t felt in a very long time. Thankfully her vibrator gave her the relief she craved after leaving her weekly massages, because she couldn’t risk losing Lucky. Entering into anything sexual with him would cross too many boundaries for her. She might have to change massage therapists and that would be a pity.
“I appreciate your understanding, but that doctor could be her grandson.” She knew she was exaggerating, but seriously. Her mother was too old to be drooling over the doctor.
The nurse laughed.
Marcy didn’t find anything funny about her mother fawning over the young stud. Yes, he was cute, not her type, but nice-looking.
“Stop being so uptight, Marcy. Just because Dan wasn’t smart enough to stick around doesn’t mean you’re a dead fish. You can have a little fun if you know what I mean.” Her mother winked.
Marcy wanted to flee the recovery room.
“It’s the anesthesia.” The nurse patted her hand.
“Thanks.” Marcy looked at her name tag. “Elizabeth.”
“No problem. I have a few things to check on, but I’ll be back shortly. Don’t worry about your mother. Once the anesthesia wears off she’ll probably forget the things she said.”
God she prayed the nurse was right. She couldn’t have her mother talking like this.
“I appreciate your understanding.”
The nurse nodded before heading off. She returned an hour later.
“Here are your discharge papers,” Elizabeth said. “And here’s something just in case your mom is serious.”
Marcy took the business card.
“Tempt the Cougar? What’s this?”
In a hushed tone, Elizabeth explained. “It’s a blog where women who want to experience the thrill of younger men gather.”
“Oh no. My mother definitely doesn’t need this.” Marcy attempted to hand the card back to her.
“Take it. You never know.”
“I’m sorry, but I do know. This is not something my mother would be interested in.”
Elizabeth shrugged.
“Then keep it for yourself. You never know, you might find it interesting.” She rushed off before Marcy could object.
* * * * *
Tempt the Cougar.
Marcy turned the business card over in her fingers. The heat from her laptop warmed her thighs. It hummed, reminding her it was waiting for her to do something. Wedging the card between some letters, she tapped her fingers on the keys. Not hard enough to type, but enough to create an incessant noise, mirroring her irritation.
“Damn you, Mother.”
If it hadn’t been for her mother she wouldn’t be sitting there contemplating checking out the blog. When her mother had been babbling about having the hot
s for the doctor, Marcy had never been so embarrassed in her life. To think her mother was acting like a…well, a cougar.
Taking a deep breath she typed in the web address. The page loaded quickly. Marcy’s mouth gaped open. She couldn’t believe the young men peppered all over the website. They were so young and so fucking hot. Her pussy grew moist as she gazed at their bodies. There was a post from someone named Larissa who was inquiring about the indented V that ran down from their hips at an angle disappearing into their pants.
Marcy sucked in a breath. She wondered if Lucky had a V like these men. Trying to shake the thought from her mind she continued reading. There was another post about young firemen.
“They can put my fire out anytime.” Her mouth parched, she reached for her glass of iced tea. She swigged the cold liquid, cooling her overheated tongue.
Her mind wandered back to Lucky. Hot, sexy, young Lucky. He had the sexiest blue eyes she’d ever seen. They reminded her of a cloudless spring day, when the sky was so blue and perfect. His lips were kissable, soft and inviting. He always spoke with that sexy, calming tone as his fingers massaged her skin. He knew where to touch her and ease all her tension. He also knew how to massage near the edge of her dormant pussy, almost as if he wanted a reaction from her. Well, he was getting a reaction, but she wasn’t letting him in on the secret. Most weeks, she left the spa with her pussy lips soaked. He’d been the subject of many a fantasy over the last few months. Her dreams were filled with different scenarios of him taking her. Marcy couldn’t help but wonder if it was only because it’d been so long since she had sex. Thinking back she couldn’t remember her last time. She was sex starved. There was no doubt about it.
She laughed.
Seriously though, she really couldn’t remember the last time she’d had sex with her ex. Probably just as well. He was a selfish lover anyway. He only cared about his orgasm and nothing more. Marcy got more pleasure from her vibrator than she ever could get from Dan.
After reading all those erotic books she’d discovered shortly after Dan’s exit, she knew there was more to sex than what she’d experienced with him. Thanks to those books, Marcy had fantasies. She longed to be touched by a real man again. She wanted to be taken. Pushed up against the wall or thrown on the bed, she didn’t care. He could rip her clothes off and have his way with her. She wanted it rough. Not to the point of hurting, but she wanted an alpha male. Someone who knew exactly what he wanted and who knew how to please his woman. Marcy needed to be pleasured. She needed to have orgasms. Not just one, but many. And Marcy wanted to climax with someone other than herself or her vibrator.
One thing she didn’t want though, was love. Love complicated things. If she’d learned anything from her ex it was the highs didn’t outweigh the lows when it came to love, marriage and commitment.
Friends with benefits would work for her. She’d like to date someone on her terms and when it suited her. She didn’t want to do the whole dating thing though.
As she gazed at the delicious men all slick with oils or water, her thoughts turned back to Lucky. She could picture his oil-covered body sliding up and down her skin. Their bodies slipping and sliding as he fucked her senseless.
Her pussy ached with the need for release.
“Damn, why am I torturing myself like this?” She flipped to her email.
She returned to the cougar blog. The women were challenging each other to go out and live their fantasy. Whether it was for a one-night stand or something longer, they were each accepting the challenge to be with a younger man.
“Maybe that’s what I need. Someone to challenge me.”
As she continued reading the blog she came across Elizabeth. She thought about sending her an email, but what would she say? “Thanks for turning me on to this blog, now I can’t stop wanting to get laid”? Or, “Hey I know you gave me the card for my mother, but I couldn’t help myself.”
“Fuck!” Frustration grew. She wanted to make contact with these women. Something told her that if she did her life would change—for the better.
“Screw it.” She opened an email and began typing.
Hey Elizabeth, Not sure if you will remember me, but I was at the hospital with my mother. The woman who kept fawning over the younger doctor. Anyway, I didn’t give her the card. I kinda kept it for myself. I’ve been looking over the blog and I must admit I’m very intrigued by what I see. Okay, more than intrigued. My tongue is hangin’ out over here and I’m getting hornier with each post. I might have licked the screen a few times too. LOL
After reading some of the blog posts I’m almost tempted to go out and find me a young stud. Almost. What’s my issue you ask? My ex left me for someone much younger than me. Everyone calls him a cradle-robber and they refer to his girlfriend as jailbait. I don’t want to be looked upon like that, but God, I so fantasize about my massage therapist. Just thinking about his hands on me…well you get it. So I just wanted to say thanks. Actually, you know what? I do want to be challenged. I need to get laid.
Marcy Brown.
When she finished she hit Send, satisfied with her decision.
She went to her sent file and reread the email she had fired off to Elizabeth.
“God, I hope she doesn’t think I’m some kind of stalker nut job.”
She clenched and unclenched her hands a few times.
“What the fuck did I just do? Why did I send her an email? My family and friends will think I’m just like Dan if I go after a younger man.” She definitely didn’t want to be looked upon like Dan. Marcy did not want any one speaking about her that way. Yet, she couldn’t help but be curious what it would feel like to be filled with Lucky’s cock. She could picture him climbing on the massage table and sliding his large, hard penis into her. His strong hands fondling her breasts or pulling her hair.
She groaned.
“What would Lucky want with a forty-one year old?” God she needed a life. She was talking to herself and daydreaming about a kid. She’d lost her mind.
Her mailbox dinged signaling a new email.
Her heart thumped painfully in her chest as she clicked over to her inbox.
Elizabeth Winters.
“Fuck. Now what am I going to do?” Her fingers tapped the keys and she chewed the inside of her lower lip.
“Should I open it?” Who the hell was she asking? She was all alone in the house. It wasn’t like someone was going to respond and tell her to open it immediately.
She grabbed her iced tea and took a big gulp. Moving the mouse she positioned the cursor over the email. All she had to do was click the mouse and open it. Simple really. So why was she so scared? What was the worst it could say? Sorry I don’t remember you? She could move on and forget she’d ever seen the blog. But she didn’t want to move on. Not after seeing all those hot studs and definitely not after being exposed to erotic romances and all that she could have, if she just gave herself the chance.
Squeezing her eyes shut, Marcy clicked the mouse.
When she finally worked up the nerve to open them she felt a wave of relief.
OMG, Marcy, yes! You’re a perfect fit to take the Cougar Challenge! Why worry about what anyone thinks? Why does anyone even have to know? It’s no one’s business what he’s massaging. That’s between the two of you, though details on the blog are always appreciated!
I didn’t tell you everything when we talked at the hospital. Had I known your story, I would have told you mine. I understand what you’re going through because your story was mine! I, too, was dumped for a much younger, cosmetically perky version. It turned out to be the best thing for me! I didn’t go into the challenge expecting to find a relationship, but that’s exactly what happened and I’m happier now with my stud than I ever was in over twenty years with the dud.
So yes, I understand your hesitation, your fears, and your desire.
Fuck it. It’s your turn.
I’m adding your addy so you can post to the blog. You’ve of
ficially taken the challenge!
Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. Elizabeth threw down the gauntlet and challenged me.
Now what? She had no other choice but to go through with it. Oh, who was she trying to fool. She was thrilled Elizabeth had challenged her. She’d prayed she would.
I readily accept. I’ll post my adventure, if there is one, once it’s over.
Marcy did have an appointment with Lucky for the following evening and it was Friday. After a long week between working at the store and her mother’s surgery, Marcy could use a little extra relief. Would Lucky feel the same? There was only one way to find out.
Maybe she should take her vibrator for a spin before she seduced Lucky. She wanted to make sure she was ready for any action he might want to give her.
Her laptop buzzed on her thighs, scorching her overheated body. Yes, she needed to get laid and soon.
Grabbing her glass of iced tea she swiped it across her forehead. It did little to relieve her. She’d be better off rubbing it against her pussy if she wanted relief. Her swollen lips begged to be touched. They called out for her to reach down and rub just a little. Oh, she needed more than a quick orgasm. She needed her clit licked, sucked and played with.
“I can’t wait until tomorrow.” She powered down the laptop, stood and deposited it on the coffee table. With a sense of urgency she rushed to the bedroom and pulled her favorite vibrator from the drawer.
“This is the last night I’ll be using this for awhile. If all goes according to plan I’ll be having the real deal tomorrow.”
She carried her pink friend to the bed and tossed it in the middle. She stripped out of her sweats and removed the ratty old tee. Tomorrow when she went for her massage she had to dress a little sexier than this. She’d have to think of the perfect way to broach the subject.